A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy

Gennifer Rose - A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy By a Top California Lifestyle Blogger
Gennifer Rose - A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy By a Top California Lifestyle Blogger

Pregnancy is a time filled with so many mixed emotions. For first time mothers you’re feeling both joy and anxiety on how you’ll handle motherhood. In addition to all the emotional stresses, we also deal with physical changes and discomforts. There’s a lot going on in those 9 months!

Self-care is vital at this time of pregnancy, because when the baby is born life gets even more hectic. During postpartum with a newborn you’ll be super sleep deprived, stressed and have much less time to take care of yourself.

This blog post is filled with my personal tips and experiences from my own pregnancy with my daughter.


My Best Wellness Tips for Pregnancy

Pain Management During Pregnancy

For years before my pregnancy I have experienced chronic pain in my neck and shoulders which leads to large muscle knots, shooting pain down my back and severe headaches and migraines. Over the years I devised a pain management plan that worked for me. I used a combination of holistic treatments from deep tissue massage, Thai massage, cupping and when all else failed medication.

When I got pregnant all these old standbys went out the window because they are not considered safe for a pregnant woman. After a few months the pain in my neck and shoulders had gotten too severe for Tylenol (the only approved pain killer for pregnant women) and I was plagued with constant headaches and migraines. 

I did my research and found a doula who specialized in pain management with prenatal massage and acupressure for expecting mothers. I had high hopes going into the appointment, I was looking forward to not only my massage but also the pearls of wisdom that would help me better manage pain throughout my pregnancy.

I actually found my doula on Groupon, and there’s many massage therapists that offer prenatal massages on Groupon too!


Lean on Your Friends With Kids

A sympathetic ear can do wonders when you’re feeling lost in the world of pregnancy. While everyone's experience is unique, there's still so much you can learn from your girlfriends who have been through the transition into motherhood. Just the simple act of talking through your experience can be so helpful.

Gennifer Rose - A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy By a Top California Lifestyle Blogger
Gennifer Rose - A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy By a Top California Lifestyle Blogger

Prenatal Yoga & Long Walks

My #1 piece of advice for any pregnant woman is to keep your body moving as much as possible. As you grow bigger and bigger it feels harder to move comfortably. But the good news is that the more you exercise, the more comfort and mobility you’ll have until the end of your pregnancy.

Most pregnant women aren’t super into the idea of jumping on a treadmill or lifting heavy weights. But gentle prenatal yoga and long brisk walks on a regular basis will go a long way to keeping your body conditioned. Also the more in-shape you are, the easier labor will be!

You can search for a local yoga studio on Groupon or watch prenatal yoga DVDs in the privacy of your home.

Also, make sure your maternity wardrobe is well stocked with comfortable pregnancy athletic clothes for working out.


Let Yourself Cry

There were several times during my pregnancy when I would get so overcome with stress and frustration. I was physically uncomfortable all the time and sometimes just plain cranky. I would end up lashing out at my husband and others close to me because it would all just bubble up inside. But always the best remedy would be to cry it out, in private or on a loved one’s shoulder, either way it’s very therapeutic. 


Aromatherapy with Essential Oils

During pregnancy we are so sensitive to smell and getting a whiff of a foul odor could easily put me in a bad mood. But on the flip side, pleasant smells would give me sense of tranquility and cheerfulness. I bought an essential oil diffuser and used a blend of lavender and sweet orange essential oils to make my bedroom smell like a peaceful spa. 

Shop my collection of favorite essential oils on Etsy!

Gennifer Rose - A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy By a Top California Lifestyle Blogger
Gennifer Rose - A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy By a Top California Lifestyle Blogger

Make Peace with the Weight Gain

It's hard to watch helplessly as your whole body expands in all directions and none of your clothes fit. You begin to see cellulite in places you never dreamed possible and you can't stand looking at pictures of yourself. I gained 20 pounds in my first trimester, mostly because I was too tired to exercise, all the fatty food cravings and constantly being hungry. The good news is that it's not permanent, you can go back to a more active lifestyle soon enough.  

Following my previous tip of staying as active during pregnancy will definitely help with excess weight gain. I’ve also got my guide to a healthy way to lose the baby weight during postpartum on the blog. Hint - they key to your success will be meal prepping, which you can also practice during pregnancy!


Do What Makes You Feel Good

Pregnancy is a long 9-month haul and sometimes we have days that are just so rough. To get through you’ll start grasping for any little thing that will make you feel better. And on top of it many of our favorites things are off limits (no wine, no kombucha, no deep tissue massage 😒). 

Finding those little gems that bring you joy during pregnancy are really important. Instead of focusing on all the things you can’t have, start paying attention to some of the benefits of being pregnant. First off, people tend to be way nicer to you! And towards the end of pregnancy I loved feeling all the little kicks from my daughter in my belly.

Gennifer Rose - A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy By a Top California Lifestyle Blogger
Gennifer Rose - A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy By a Top California Lifestyle Blogger


Often during pregnancy we feel out of control and I found that doing "nesting" types of activities to be soothing. I spent a lot of time organizing the house, washing and sanitizing everything, and getting the nursery ready. Make sure you’re using non-toxic cleaning products, Grove Collaborative has a great selection of safe cleaning supplies on their website.

I also washed all my daughter’s newborn clothes and blankets in unscented and dye-free laundry detergent.


Battling Headaches & Migraines when Pregnant

I wrote an entire blog post on the topic of managing my migraines when pregnant. It was honestly a big battle and concern of mine, because the over-the-counter migraine medication Excedrine is not recommended for pregnant women.

Click to see my blog post on natural and drug-free headache relief during pregnancy.


Take Your Probiotics Religiously

Constipation is one of the most annoying symptoms of pregnancy, sorry ladies but it's true. A backed-up digestion system will dramatically add to your discomfort. First thing I do every morning is take my probiotics for a balanced and happy gut. There are plenty of probiotic options for women that are safe for both pregnancy and breastfeeding.

See my complete guide on gut health - 9 Ways Taking Daily Probiotics Improved My Wellbeing.



A Guide to Self-Care During Pregnancy