Side Hustle Ideas for Moms to Boost Their Income

Side Hustle Ideas for Moms to Boost Their Income
Side Hustle Ideas for Moms to Boost Their Income

As a busy mom, you know that there’s never such a thing as too much money. Whether it’s for planning that next family vacation, back-to-school shopping, or simply a hefty grocery run, a few extra hundred dollars per month can stretch quite a long way.

If you’ve been looking for a side hustle that is both lucrative and respects your busy schedule, this article is here to help! We’ll be showcasing five of the best side hustle ideas for mothers, including how you can easily get started.

Side Hustle Ideas for Moms to Boost Their Income
Side Hustle Ideas for Moms to Boost Their Income

Take Interest In Thrift-Flipping

Thrift-flipping is a practice that’s only recently garnered popularity. However, in this short period of time, the concept of reselling thrifted items has skyrocketed into one of the most lucrative side hustles. And, if you’re someone who is already hitting up your local thrift store regularly, the act of reselling doesn’t even take very much effort.

There are a variety of platforms one can use to resell clothes, but some of the most popular include eBay, Poshmark, Depop, Vinted, and Facebook Marketplace. Simply take some high-quality photos of the trendy clothes that you find and list them on those apps for a higher price than you paid. It’s simple, easy to fit into your schedule, and helpful for those who want to give those used items a new, loving home.


Try Your Hand At Babysitting

If you’re a remote worker or full-time mom, chances are you’re staying at home for the majority of the day, regardless. So, while you’re looking after your own little one, why not throw some other kids into the mix? If you know that your girlfriends have struggled to look for a trustworthy babysitter that knows how to care for children, offer up your own babysitting services. All you have to do is make double batches of little lunches and snacks!

Side Hustle Ideas for Moms to Boost Their Income
Side Hustle Ideas for Moms to Boost Their Income

Care For Some Furry Friends

If you’re an animal lover, then taking care of animals might be an ideal side hustle for you. Apps like Rover provide an opportunity to get paid to petsit for other pet owners. This is not only a good way to make a few extra dollars on the side but also a nice way to meet new people in your community.

Alternatively, you could try pet-sitting the animals in your neighborhood. Advertise these services on a local group forum and see just how many folks have been itching for a doggy-free getaway. Plus, you get all of the cuddles and affection of a new pet without any of the strings or commitment!


Go Through That Old Jewelry Box

If you’re anything like me, chances are you have an old jewelry box sitting in your room collecting dust. Perhaps they’re pieces you’ve picked up and forgotten about throughout the years, or they’re hand-me-down pieces that have been left to you by a relative. In either case, they may be worth much more out of your house than they are rusting away!

Consider attempting to monetize your jewelry collection for extra income by sending in those old pieces to a website that exchanges metals for money. It’s a double whammy, in a sense, as you’ll be making money simply by removing clutter from your home.

Side Hustle Ideas for Moms to Boost Their Income
Side Hustle Ideas for Moms to Boost Their Income

Start Getting Crafty

Selling handmade arts and crafts on an online platform like Etsy is an excellent side hustle for creative mothers for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it’s a great way to spend some extra time with your little one. While you’re making the pieces for sale, you can give some supplies to your child and have them participate alongside you.

Not to mention, there are so many opportunities for variety. No matter what medium you decide to pursue, it’s an excellent way to express some of the creativity you might feel you’ve lost in recent years. To work those artistic muscles while simultaneously making extra cash is something that feels incredibly fulfilling!


Motherhood Doesn’t Have To Be Limiting

As a mother, it can sometimes feel like there’s already too much on your plate between your 9-5 and watching your kiddos. But the fact is that becoming a mother doesn’t mean giving up your personhood.

Allow the development of a side hustle to act as a kind of therapeutic hobby. Make money while reminding yourself that you’re still an individual who is capable of accomplishing things solely for your own gratification!